Welcome to Sound Strategies & Solutions


We are Sound Strategies & Solutions

One of the best Accounting firms in Eastside.
Why choose Us?

Why choose Us.Because we are professionals.

Sound Strategies & Solutions is a Bellevue, WA accounting firm with over 10 years of experience in providing high-quality tax, accounting, and consulting services for U.S. and International businesses.

Our Mission.

Our Mission.To add value.

Sound Strategies thrives on helping our client creating winning tax and business strategies. Our experienced CPAs and EAs design and deliver cutting-edge tax reduction techniques that deliver value and lower tax risk.

What we do.

What we Do.Serve the best interests of our clients.

Our expertise ranges from start-ups to small businesses to large corporations. Sound Strategies and Solutions is your one stop frim for all your accounting and taxation needs. We can handle a wide range of areas including bookkeeping, tax preparation and strategic planning.


Corporate & Individual Tax Filling

Strategic Tax Planning

Business Consultant

Bookkeeping Service

Real Estate Tax

Payroll Accounting Services


Why Should You Hire A Professional Accounting Firm For Your Business?

Looking at the challenges which the average business faces on a daily basis, it has become apparent that most of these businesses need to utilize the benefit of working with specialized professionals, and let business owners focus on their revenue generation.

The scope of a professional accounting firm’s work does not end with debit and credit, that is just the beginning. The accounting firms should be a year-round business partner providing a sounding board perspective and expertise in your industry. They also help your business grow and navigate tricky economies.

Does a professional accounting firm cost money? Of course! But, businesses should think about the money they saved on tax, valuable time saved and opportunity cost on focusing core business. The money paid for expert services should be considered as an investment, not an expense.

Get in Touch with us

Still have Questions? Please feel free to contact us!

Our Location14925 SE Allen Rd.
Ste 103B
Bellevue, WA 98006

Speak to Us425-278-6777

FAX CONTACT425-749-7975